Preliminary talks with the Life Puzzle Pro

One of the best andmost efficienttools Ihave comeacross is the LifePuzzle Pro.

Preliminary talksoften take place because the client does not always have just one topic and/or does not know where to start with his description. Ode but also because we as coaches/therapists sometimes lose the thread or do not have a concrete structure. follow. After several meetings a routine may creep in where we forget to say things that are important for the client and the course of the session.

The Life Puzzle Pro offers the perfect solution for this and much more.

The tool developed by IN˃TELL˃ACT – Life Strategy is a model designed to represent the various elements of a life strategy. The pictorial representations and the three-dimensional nature of the material support the brain in its attempt to understand its own life strategy and that of its fellow human beings.

In the hands of the counselor in interpersonal relationships, the teacher, the coach or the therapist, it is an important tool to reach the goal much faster than just through verbal explanations.

But it is also an enrichment for the layman in his personal development.

“Change your strategy and your life will change”

Who can use the Life Puzzle Pro and for what purpose?

Holistic in its conception Logical in its structure Practical in its application Solution-oriented in its purpose

  • For private individuals
  • For teaching and educational professions
  • For counseling professions For therapists
  • For personal well-being
  • For a harmonious relationship
  • For efficient education
  • For a successful career

The In Tell Act Life Puzzle is a three-dimensional representation of the most important elements of a life strategy. The 41 wooden building blocks are put together according to the principles of a puzzle and a mind map. In counseling or therapeutic work, the Life Puzzle serves the counselor as a guide and progression scale.

By using the“Life Puzzle Pro” you show even more of your expertise right at the start of your collaboration with your clients. This increases the success of the joint work considerably. You are probably aware that 80% of success in hypnosis, counseling, psychotherapy and coaching lies in the preliminary discussion. The successes your clients achieve will make them happy to recommend you to others. This in turn promotes your own success. It is therefore doubly useful to use this valuable tool for the important initial consultation with your client.

These are the advantages of using the Life Puzzle Pro for you and your clients/patients:

  • You gain time for the actual work on the topic
  • The course of your sessions is structured right from the start
  • You have comprehensible working material at hand
  • It is suitable for children and adults
  • Your patient and you, gain important insights
  • Meetings become even more efficient
  • The client solves their problem more successfully with your help
  • He is happy to recommend you. This makes you even more successful

You can plan your sessions better because youknowhow long your preliminary talks will take.
You and your client can get the most out of it.

In this lesson, you will learn how to use the Life Puzzle Pro in the best possible way. You will be able to use it immediately in your practice and enjoy the full benefits straight away.
The Life Puzzle Pro can be used in a variety of ways. Experience will show you how you can use it in different ways. This lesson focuses on how I use the Life Puzzle Pro in my own practice. Over time, of course, you can develop your own style. However, I would like to invite you to first follow the instructions as they are given here. This ensures that you can use them safely and that you will definitely be successful.


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