Hyperamnesia phenomena
Recall: of events that were forgotten in the conscious state. Must in any case in the 2nd stage
better in the 4th stage.
Normally: 2/3 will not remember, 1/3 will remember.
Under hypnosis: 2/3 will remember, 1/3 will not remember.
Age regression: reliving past events that have long been forgotten. Must be in the 5th or
5th stage, because true age regression requires the ability to hallucinate. However
pseudo-age regression can occur in stage 2.
In true regression, events are reported in the present tense as if they were happening in the here and now.
are happening. In pseudo-regression, events are reported in both the past tense and the present tense.
in the present tense. (“My teacher in the 5th grade was called Mrs. Schmidt” versus “My teacher
in the 5th grade is called Mrs. Schmidt”).
Age regression value: can help the client retrieve repressed material. You
can shorten the therapy. Hypnotists must ensure that the use of the
age regression does not interfere with the application of psychology or medicine .
in their very own field Age regression should only be used by hypnotists with appropriate skills, experience and expertise
and references.
Justification: The client may go back to any period of their life where a
traumatic event has taken place (death, serious illness). This can be various
behaviors, such as crying or hysteria, which even an experienced hypnotist
can be difficult to handle.
Past life regression: very controversial. More on this topic in the lesson “Regression”