Always maintain a sense of control over the situation in the session
You know where you’re going, how you’re going to get there, and whatever happens, it’s for a reason that allows you to move forward in the session.
Behave appropriately
Always treat your clients with respect and seriousness.
Never try to hypnotize someone against their will.
Never hurt anyone.
Remember that everything that is dangerous for people in their normal state of consciousness is also dangerous for them in a hypnotic state.
Be professional
Do not use false titles or diplomas.
Certificates are not important except as an indication of training or specialization in a field of hypnosis.
Respect the ethics and deontology of the profession
Be and dress like a professional.
Use appropriate language.
Never use hypnosis for medical or psychological purposes unless you are professionally licensed to work with such patients or you receive a written recommendation/referral from the appropriate licensed professional.
Never make promises of healing!