The underworld: “the subconscious”
In hypnosis, we can use physical relaxation and the metaphor of walking down a flight of stairs, an elevator, or a hill, etc.
On the shamanic journey, the descent into the underworld takes place by entering the ground through a cave or through an opening connected to a tree;
In shamanism, this underworld allows you to regain strength in order to heal and regain your soul;
This is where the personifications of one’s own belief system are developed; The personal convictions are represented there in the form of people and symbols. (or even totems of animals)
It is a twilight state, whether awake or asleep. It is the state of the brain where the magic happens in the deepening of one’s own neurological activity (dreams).
Entering this dreamlike state without falling asleep requires practicing meditation.
This descent corresponds first to a deep sleep, essential for health and well-being, then to a healing state, a state of detached consciousness, then a state of meditation, a state of intuition and memory, what some people in hypnosis would call a deep trance.