If the system still cannot find a solution to the inner conflict, the intellect is activated. Images and sounds arise, possibly voices in the head, which revolve around the conflict. The unconscious part can then find a solution through these images. Since the system has no concept of time, it works primarily with images and not with logic. This is why images play an important role in resolving conflicts. Images from similar situations that have already been experienced usually also contain a suggested solution. When working through the life strategy, it is therefore also very promising if images and pictorial stories are included. In extremely life-threatening moments of danger, the system may run the entire life movie at lightning speed in order to retrieve all the information stored up to the point of conception. Of course, the “thinker” is also activated with his logical abilities, but he has little chance of finding a solution because he is working on a different level. However, the system often finds the solution in a story or in a previous event that has been experienced and the conflict is over.