Lead out

Always be aware that your subject is in an altered state of consciousness and that their bodily functions are adjusted to this during hypnosis. It is therefore important to give the subject time to adapt
all functions back to the waking state
in order to convey the feeling of going further and further into trance, it is preferable to count back. For example, from 10 down to 1.

To get out of hypnosis, it is preferable to count up from 1 to 5. Energy flows back into the body, all functions are gradually “ramped up” again.

There are several ways to accomplish this.

Dave Elman’s method

Dave Elman said at the end of the session:
“When I ask you right now, your eyes, notice how good you feel. Open your eyes. How do you feel?”

If you are in a light trance, it is certainly no problem to do it exactly like this. However, in order to avoid slight headaches, dizziness or the like, it makes more sense to allow a little more time.

Method 1

“I’m about to count from 1 to 3. When I get to 3 and not before, you’ll open your eyes and feel wonderful.

One! You can feel yourself slowly coming back

Two! You are still relaxed and calm. All the energy is slowly but surely returning to your body and mind.

Three! Open your eyes, you are back in the here and now and feel at ease.

How do you feel?

Method 2

“In a moment I will count from 1 to 5, and when I get to 5 and not before, you will open your eyes and be wide awake again.

1… 2… 3… 4 and… 5 – Eyes open, fully present,
you feel good, full of energy.

How do you feel?”

This method works very well in most cases, as you can adjust the time frame between counting yourself. Above all, however, you can use this time between counting to give the respondent suggestions again. You can also mention the relevant findings from the session again in short form.
These initial techniques are relatively long and gentle.

Method 3

Another option is to allow the subject to decide for themselves when the best time is for them to come out of the hypnotic state. The instructions would then be as follows:

“I’ll give you a moment of time now. In this moment of time, you can let everything you have just experienced and learned sink in.
If you decide to do so, you can take a few deep breaths in and out, stretch and then gradually open your eyes. Savor how good you feel when you do this.
And the time I give you to do this starts NOW!”

Then stay still and wait for your subject to open their eyes. It may take a while for him to open his eyes.


You’ve probably noticed that the word “wake up” is not used.
This would presuppose that the subject was asleep, which is not the case, and could give the subject the impression of having slept. So be careful not to mention “waking up”.
Depending on the “depth” of the trance, it may happen that the subject needs some time after the session to open their eyes or even has difficulty doing so.
Always remember, there is no time in hypnosis, there is a time shift in reactions. The state is often perceived as so pleasant that the subject wants to stay in it.
Don’t panic: just give him the time he needs. If you don’t have enough time, you can count a little louder and/or ask them to open their eyes.

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