Maintaining the structure

If the system reacts to information from the environment, it is only because it is endeavoring to maintain its structure; But what is the structure that needs to be preserved? We can divide the structure into three parts:

  • The physical structure,
  • the social structure and
  • the mental structure.

The three structures actually form a whole, as they are interconnected. In practice, however, you can treat them separately and thus better understand and adapt your life strategy;

The social and physical structure

Many scientists today are convinced that the physical structure has developed as an adaptation to the requirements of the environment; Since humans can only survive as social beings, there is a direct connection between the physical structure and the social structure. That is why they are also presented here at the same time. The social structure is important to fulfill the biological needs of humans. The organs and body parts reflect these needs through their structure and above all through their function;

Need to survive

Vital organs

To survive, humans need oxygen, water and food; Therefore, his first need is to obtain these vital substances; However, he also transfers this need to money and to consumer goods that the industry makes him believe are essential for survival, such as special clothing, cars or luxury goods. In addition, areas that serve the procurement of food, such as work or social status, play a role here if the person concerned equates these with maintaining their consumption habits; If someone has a problem with this, their system reacts as if they are now starving. The corresponding organs are the lungs, the digestive tract, the kidneys and the heart.

Need for protection


After food, humans need protection from wild animals, the forces of nature and enemies; Today’s life is all about the home and everything that goes with it; As with nutrition, the areas that serve to procure and maintain the “nest” also play a role, such as work and social status; To protect the important organs, there is the peritoneum, the pleura, the pericardium and the dermis.

Need for reproduction

Reproductive organs

In order to preserve the human species, it is absolutely necessary to reproduce in order to keep the number of group members high enough for the group to function. This area also includes sexuality, the desire to have children, the partnership and the care and upbringing of children; The corresponding organs are the uterus, the ovaries, the testicles and the prostate.

Need for affiliation (clan)

Movement & nbsp;


In the wild, humans are prey animals and can therefore only survive in a pack or group. The group offers it protection from enemies as well as help with everyday activities such as obtaining food, building shelter and defending its territory; There is usually a hierarchy in this group and everyone strives to occupy and maintain a certain position; It is important to behave in such a way that you are accepted by the group on the one hand and that you try to maintain control on the other; Usually the group is the family, but it can also be another group, especially for young people who do not feel understood by their family. The corresponding body parts are the bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons, joints and fatty tissue.

Need for
Nest and territory

Nervous system with the sensory organs

In order to raise their children in peace, humans need a nest and a territory to keep the clan safe. In the territory they can search for food undisturbed, there are their mates and there is protection from predators; Today, the territorial territory can also be extended to the workplace or an association in which one is active; The corresponding body parts are the nervous system and the sensory organs. The sensory organs serve to localize the enemy in order to be able to react early enough. The nervous system is used to communicate with outsiders and to plan for the future.

Compilation of the building blocks of the social structure and the physical structure

The social structure and the physical structure thus form a coherent whole; This is represented by the red rectangular man; In the course of evolution, living creatures have developed in such a way that their bodies have adapted to the conditions. The organs and body parts did not develop as they are by chance, but are the response to the requirements of the natural and social environment. This is why the body also reacts to changes in a person’s social environment with physical changes; Physical changes are, so to speak, the material response to conflict situations within the social structure; In other words, they are a biological solution to a social problem.

The mental structure

In order to satisfy the above-mentioned needs, the human psyche has built itself on five basic biological aspirations. Every thought and every pattern of behavior always has one or more of these aspirations as its deep ground. All efforts are aimed at survival; If they are not met, this is perceived by the system as life-threatening.

1. the pursuit of security

The lives of prehistoric humans were constantly exposed to life-threatening dangers, especially from predators; Our brain still functions today according to the principles that were valid in prehistoric times; Every thought, every action and every pattern of behavior has its cause in the pursuit of security; Let’s imagine that I’m standing alone in the savannah, surrounded by predators, like the prehistoric man in the picture. The only thought that would go through my mind would be: “How do I get to safety?” Sometimes the opposite aspiration is also the basis of an action: the pursuit of danger. The person concerned appears to be unnecessarily exposing himself to a dangerous situation involving a considerable risk; However, this can be a solution for him.

2. the pursuit of recognition

If a fairy came along who could grant me a single wish, what would be the life-saving wish? The encounter with a group of people But the group of people would only be a rescue from danger if they took me in. In other words, if she would recognize me as one of her members. If even one of the group couldn’t stand me, I’d be left alone in danger and probably die. That is why the quest for recognition is an important aspect of social life, even in our time, when everyone could actually survive without the recognition of others. There are also situations in which a person strives not to be recognized; He would prefer to make himself invisible to others. However, he can also behave in such a way that he does not fit into any category or deliberately separates himself from all social conventions;

3. the quest for control

If you have been integrated into a group and enjoy the recognition of the other group members, you have to make sure you stay in the group. The best tactic to achieve this is to take control. The more people I can control, the more secure my position within the group. The most secure position is of course that of group leader; Because the desire for control has always been essential for survival, it is understandable that this is an important part of social life; Even if the loss of control is no longer life-threatening in reality, the urge for power remains an important psychological factor. However, there are also situations in life in which a person longs to be controlled by another. This can also be expressed by joining a community that determines the daily course of his life for him, for example a religious community, a political group or even a sect;

4. the pursuit of unity

The quest for unity has its origins in the fact that man owes his life to the fusion of egg and sperm. The attempt to appropriate something in order to merge with it, so to speak, can be observed everywhere in life. This merging refers not only to people, but also to animals and objects. An individual behaves as if the person, animal or object they have appropriated has become a part of their self.

5. the pursuit of separation

In contrast to the previous endeavors, the reverse endeavor of unity, namely that of separation, is not a marginal phenomenon, but is just as common as the endeavor for unity itself. The striving for separation arises from the fact that a person owes their continued life to the separation from their mother through the cutting of the umbilical cord; These two aspirations, for unity and for separation from people, animals or objects, often balance each other out in life; In many cases, it is even the same object that is initially held on to by all means and later repelled by all means.

Compilation of all elements of the structure

If information appears to be a threat to a part of the structure, it leads to a reaction by the system; The meaning always concerns the preservation of the structure of the system; In order to obtain a structure, the structure must first be supplied with the necessary building blocks; It is therefore important to ensure that the right building blocks enter the system in the right quantities through a healthy, varied diet; A positive meaning is always given when the information promises a reward for the system, such as food, recognition, sexual intercourse or security; On the other hand, the structure of a system is preserved by keeping it from decay and destruction, for example through regular movement. A negative meaning is always given when the information refers to a physical threat or a punishment such as loss of money, loss of work, contempt, separation or expulsion; In practical life, this means that all of a person’s actions are unconsciously controlled by the interaction of these three structural elements; To resolve conflict situations, it is therefore particularly useful for the person concerned to ask about mental habits. (Mental structure: desire for security, recognition, control, unity or separation) Does the behavior have anything to do with striving for security, recognition, control, unity or separation?

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