Note all these important cues to eliminate unwanted behavior or feelings during the session
Provide some structure for your client. Knowing that he may present with more than one issue, as well as all of the above issues hiding only one cause, it is necessary to keep things separate.
The use of the Life Puzzle Pro tool can be used to explain not only the workings of the conscious mind, subconscious mind and parts of the higher consciousness, but also the common strategies and human behaviors that are unfamiliar to the client.
This allows the client and the therapist or coach to channel attention more easily and not get lost in the conversation. This saves time.
It is important to make the client aware that his successful changes can also entail a change (adaptation) in his environment.
See also the question in the “Questionnaire for the client”: “What is the worst thing that could happen if you no longer have the problem?”
Clients often know exactly what they no longer want, but are unable to express positively what they really want. In many therapies or psychotherapies, it is the problem that is brought to the fore. However, it is much more beneficial to focus on the goal, the result.
“The more you pay attention to a problem, the bigger it gets!”
The preliminary discussion and anamnesis are already part of the change process. They are a method for promoting a change of vision. The more you focus on an idea, the more likely it is that it will become reality.
The preliminary meeting should never last longer than 60-90 minutes.
Pacing: Allow your client the necessary time to address their topic.
Leading: Move on to the LifePuzzlePro as quickly as possible.
Sometimes it happens that during this conversation some people go straight into an abreaction, so it is necessary to follow up immediately and take advantage of the emotion present to apply a technique such as regression…