
Signaling is the establishment and use of an ideomotor sign.
This can be a nod of the head, movement of the hand, or even moving the fingers upwards.
The aim is to obtain an automatic response (yes, no) that is not consciously controlled.

This ideomotor response is often independent of the rest of the trance state.
It is sufficient to simply announce beforehand that the movement will be carried out by the body, an inner part, the subconscious, the superconscious, superego or any other choice (depending on the technique used).

The advantage of signaling over speech is that talking tends to make the subject
out of trance while finger movements, for example, do not require conscious effort.

Apart from the fact that the subject may be so far into a trance that they no longer feel any desire to speak at all.

Setting up the signaling
In general, the signaling is set up at the subject’s fingertips shortly after induction.
So once the trance has been induced, we can suggest to the subject that their fingers will allow them to communicate and one finger in particular will move to indicate yes.

Install by consciously selecting
“Now please think very hard about “Yes” and one finger, on the left or right hand,
will move up and down once… (wait for the answer)”
As soon as the finger has moved, say: “Thank you”

“Now please think very hard about “No” and another finger on the same hand,
will move once up and down again… (wait for response)”
As soon as the finger has moved, say: “Thank you”

In the same way, another finger could be established for “I don’t know”.

The signaling then makes it possible to ask simple questions whose possible answer is “yes” or “no”.
or “I don’t know”.

Always ask the questions clearly, no either/or questions.

Install by conditioning
(run by Ines Simpson in the Simpson Protocol)

“In a moment I will install the ideomotor signals in this hand.
(Tap lightly on the back of your hand).
Now please show me which finger of this hand you want to use to say “YES”.
(Wait until the finger in question moves).
Thank you!
Now show me which finger of the same hand you want to use to answer “NO”.
(Waiting for answer)
Thank you!
I will now train your mind to use these answers quickly.
Is that all right with you? …
(Waiting for answer)
Thank you very much.
Now I will say the words YES or NO and tap the corresponding finger at the same time.
Each time I type, the corresponding finger will go up and down once.
Allow the finger to move each time
as soon as I tap it.
Here we go… show me… the finger… YES… YES… YES… YES… YES… YES… YES… YES…”
Make as many YES answers as possible, with alternating speed, to get a spontaneous and quick response, indicating that the answer is a response from the subconscious.
“Thank you very much.”
Now… give me… the finger… NO… NO… NO… NO… NO… NO… NO… NO… NO… NO…”

Do this one more time, alternating YES and NO as many times as necessary.
Now… show me… the YES finger… YES … NO … YES … NO … NO … NO … NO … NO …”
Continue alternating between saying YES and NO at different speeds and in different sequences,
until the answers become unconscious and automatic.
Remember that the CONSCIOUS MIND cannot respond as quickly and automatically as the subconscious mind and that is what we are looking for.
Sometimes the client laughs when they realize they are letting go on a conscious level.

Signaling can also be a movement, as in the swan technique.
(Client sits parallel to a table, one elbow on the table, fixation of a point on the subject’s open palm – like a swan’s neck, with the head of the swan looking at the subject)
Wrist movement inward approaching the face for YES,
and outwards for NO.

If it seems difficult to install a finger for Yes
Question: “And if you had to imagine it in your head,
that one finger would move, which one would be Yes?
So just let it happen, now”.

Signaling can be surprising and unexpected, and yet in retrospect it turns out to be extremely relevant.
For example, you will get a “no” answer or “I don’t know” where you were expecting a “yes”.
An installed signal can contradict a client’s conscious response outside the trance.


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