The filters

A. The experience filters

Every piece of information entering the system is checked for resonance with information relating to events that have happened during our own lifetime, as well as those from the time in the womb, from the lifetime of our parents and from the time of our ancestors.

1. own experiences
From 6 years until today

All events in our own lives are stored in the system together with the associated feelings and emotions, even if they are not constantly present in our consciousness. Normally, however, they can be recalled to consciousness if the system allows it. Only from the age of 6 do we consciously take part in the events of our lives. For this reason, all personal experiences from the age of 6 to the present day are represented with this module. Information received by the sensory organs is filtered by these events, which is shown by the red sine wave below the picture. If information arrives for which there is already a corresponding oscillation in the filter, interference (mixing) of these two pieces of information occurs and the oscillation pattern transmitted to the system changes.

The cellular cycles (Marc Fréchet)

Marc Fréchet has discovered that events often repeat themselves in the course of life. The system is built on repetition, otherwise learning in the broadest sense would not be possible and every situation would have to be judged by the system as new again and again. In order to save time and avoid known dangers as far as possible, it was important to remember all the circumstances of an event at the same time as it happened. Since there are no calendars in nature, the system had to orient itself to the sun and to itself. Marc Fréchet has worked out two cycles from this:

The octave cycle, where the time is multiplied by 2 or divided by 2. This means that if you experience a situation at the age of 36, it is possible that a similar situation has already occurred at the age of 18 and that you may find yourself in a similar situation again at the age of 72. It’s like the repetition of notes in the octave.

The autonomy cycle that begins at birth (autonomy from the mother) and ends with personal autonomy (from the family, marriage). At this point, all counters are reset to zero, so to speak, and the system adjusts to the fact that similar situations now arise at the same intervals.

2. imprints & conditioning
From 0 to 6 years

During the period from birth to max. 6 years, the child does not perceive the world consciously, but through the reactions of its caregivers, e.g. the mother and father, and later also other adults. All information about the child’s environment is fed into its system without being interpreted. An internal representation of the external world is created. Konrad Lorenz introduced the term “imprinting” for this. This imprinting effect is naturally strongest after birth. The first person the child comes into contact with is accepted as its attachment figure. By the age of 6, the imprinting effect is increasingly weakened. Nevertheless, it should always be taken into consideration if you want to understand his life strategy. This imprinting information is very strongly anchored in the system. In addition to imprinting, the child learns primarily through conditioning. If an event occurs simultaneously with an object, the object later triggers the same reaction as the original event.

3. from conception to birth

Events that occurred during conception are linked to the fusion of egg and spermatozoid. Information concerning the mother’s perception and feelings during this time also plays a role here. The mother’s experiences during pregnancy, especially the way in which she experienced these events, are also recorded in the information memory of the embryo and foetus. They later help the fetus to find its way in life and are therefore part of its life strategy. The mother’s fears during this time can also trigger unconscious reactions in the child later on. The time before, during and shortly after birth is also very important for the development of a life strategy. Information from this period has a major influence on examination situations.

4. nine months before conception Project – Sense (Marc Fréchet)

It seems that information from the time before conception has a decisive influence on the future child’s life strategy. This has to do, among other things, with the composition of the chromosomes during the formation of the male sperm and with the arrangement of the chromosomes of both parents before conception. It seems that information related to the emotional situation of both parents is taken into account. This gives the child a life strategy that is adapted to the current situation of its parents and thus allows it to react instinctively, so to speak, to various events in the environment into which it will later grow. It seems that the child is “molded” to be the biological solution to the parents’ problem. This is why Marc Fréchet called this programming “project-sense” (projet-sens). The sense of the child in this case would be to carry out the parents’ project, just as a telephone materializes and carries out the project of its inventor, namely to be able to speak to someone who is far away.
It becomes problematic for the child when the situation it was “created” to solve changes drastically in the course of its life. Then it loses its meaning because there is no longer a corresponding project.

5. ancestors over 4 generations

It often turns out that a person’s life strategy also contains information that can be traced back over several generations. Especially information related to severe traumas that have still not been resolved. These are things that are not talked about, but which determine behavior. Here, information is often linked to data that can later serve as a trigger for reactions. Unexpected deaths in particular can recur at regular intervals in a person’s family tree. It should be noted that the information often contains secondary aspects of a trauma that occurred in parallel with the event (conditioning). They actually have nothing to do with the event itself, but have been stored in the memory as an anchor, so to speak.

B. Beliefs

Beliefs are views on a certain topic that you have held yourself or that other people have held and that are treated by the system as dogma, as if they were the absolute truth. Beliefs are adopted by parents, family members, family friends, cultural and religious authorities as well as the media.

1. own beliefs

During childhood, everyone has established beliefs as truths because they have often misinterpreted their parents’ instructions. These are beliefs that concern oneself and that have arisen from the fact that as a child one tried to find an explanation for one’s own behavior and that of one’s parents or educators. After repeating the same situation several times, a child often comes to conclusions such as: “I am not worth anything”, “I do everything wrong anyway”, “I will never be successful”, “Nobody can love me”, “You must never contradict”, “Making mistakes and being wrong is bad”, etc.

2. beliefs in the family

There are also beliefs that parents have adopted and that are unconsciously passed on to the child during upbringing. These beliefs can concern all areas of daily life, food, clothing, behavior in society, etc., but also sex life, partnership or social life. E.g. “No talking during meals”, or “Sunday belongs to the family”.

Beliefs are perceived by the child, especially if they are not expressed by the parents, but lived. Children also form their beliefs through what they experience and not just through what they are told.

3. beliefs from the family tradition

Unconsciously, beliefs that have been established in the extended family and are often regarded as absolute truths over generations are also adopted in life. E.g. “In the family of … everyone learns an intellectual profession” or “In our family you don’t get divorced” or “We don’t talk about family members who have been in prison” or “People who have money are bad” or “Studied people are arrogant” etc.

4. social and cultural beliefs

Society also sets up beliefs that people should follow. These beliefs can relate to areas such as education, social interaction, customs and traditions, eating habits, marriage, etc. These beliefs are established both at school and in the social environment. This is particularly important for immigrants who have to live in a different culture to that of their home country.

5. religious beliefs

Every religion is built on beliefs related to its religious content. Here, however, it is not these beliefs that are meant, but those that have been established by an individual for himself and in which religion has exerted its influence. This concerns personal judgment, the partnership between man and woman, sexuality, family planning, the upbringing of children, the role of the sexes and social life.

Compilation of filters

The oscillations undergo a new change after each image to indicate that the information that finally arrives in the system no longer has much to do with the input oscillation. The building blocks of the experience filters are arranged in reverse reading direction. This is unusual at first, but it has to do with the fact that when working on the strategy, we proceed as if information entering the system first passes through the filters that have to do with the most recently experienced events. Only then should we deal with the filters containing information that goes back to our ancestors. In reality, there is no time component. The system always processes the information simultaneously at all levels, regardless of the time from which it originates. The belief filters are connected to the experience filters by small red lines. They do not necessarily correspond to the time periods shown in the images above. It is possible that they were created at other times. Therefore, the individual belief set modules apply to all event fields. For example, religious or cultural beliefs are also involved in experiences during adolescence and help to determine the conflicts and emotions experienced there.
Important insight:
I don’t perceive the world as it really is, but as I believe it to be! My world is created in my head as a hologram and is projected back into real reality.

This leads to an important observation:
The information to which my system reacts has nothing to do with the event that happened outside my system, but only with what this event resonates with me, that is, with the meaning I attach to the event. That’s why it makes no sense to want to change the event. What is important is that I change my view of the event.

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